Thinking like a Mountain
The Arhuacos are the guardians of the forest and the ice of Colombias highest mountain- the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. While on the surface this ancient culture appears not to have changed in centuries, Thinking Like a Mountain reveals a much more complex reality.
Atl Tlachinolli
Searching for the unique Axolotl, a endemic salamander that used to live in the former lake of Mexico, Atl Tlachinolli is an essayistic inquiry into survival and adaptation, the film casts its gaze on that which remains.
Seenotizen Nr. 2
Flipping the Coin publishes the ongoing series Seenotizen with essays by Cyrill Lachauer.
Shine on, you pretty pyramid
Shine on, you pretty pyramid beinhaltet eine nicht chronologische Sammlung von 120 pyramidenförmigen Architektur Fotografien vom 18 Jhd. bis zur Gegenwart.
Seenotizen Nr. 1
Flipping the Coin publishes the ongoing series Seenotizen with essays by Cyrill Lachauer.
Der Espressokocher
On the first side of the record is the title Bonn, Beuel, Tannenbusch, Henry Moore und ich. This is one of several sound poems developed into music by Wilhelm Klotzek with the musical collective BREI . On the second side is the audio piece Der Espressokocher which piece is based on the audio notes Wilhelm Klotzek regularly puts down and often collages a new, transmitting them as radio broadcasts. Der Espressokocher are recordings from the artist’s kitchen. For example, you can hear him grumbling about O-rings mixed with guitar play and musical recordings from Willie Nelson and Renft.
Swan Song
With original compositions by: Clare Cooper, Lucinda Dayhew, golden diskó ship (Theresa Stroetges), Jasmine Guffond, Gudrun Gut, Ari Benjamin Meyers, NSI (Tobias Freund & Max Loderbauer), Tom Thiel concept and cover art Lucinda Dayhew
Afro Sonic Signifier
12‘ inch Dubplate composed, collaged and produced by Satch Hoyt
Flipping the Coin presents the first monograph about Nik Nowak.
Dodging Raindrops – A Separate Reality
Dodging Raindrops – A Separate Reality is an episodic experimental film, in which documentary and staged scenes intertwine in a mythic-apocalyptic narrative.
Encarnita Propia
Nik Nowak und Gabriel Rossell Sanillán tauschen sich seit Jahren über ihre Arbeit aus und so ist auch das für Flipping the Coin Records entstandene Soundpiece Encarnita Propia eine Begegnung zweier Künstlerfreunde, eine vorgestellte Reise durch die Wüste und die Entdeckung vergessener Kulturen.
Henk Heuer’s and Moritz Stumm’s -work Ibogain, modifies states of consciousness through audio visual stimulants. By incorporating acoustic illusions such as binaural beats, the Shepard-Risset-Glissando, and time-shifting polyrhythms, a psychoacoustic experiment emerges that is expanded by hypnotic, geometrical projections in the three-dimensional space.
One Beginning, three Stages and many Endings
In the sound piece One Beginning, three Stages and many Endings, Engelmann densely assembles interviews, found footage and own recordings . The text and audio fragments originate from typical Ayahuasca rites in the Amazon region. Based on her own hallucinogenic experiences with the use and adoption of Ayahuasca tea, Engelmann considers the hype of this psychedelic brew in the globalized, psychologized, “western“ and scientific context. Rather than understanding the original rite of the indigenous groups, she focuses on the potential of reflection of autoethnographic techniques inspired by the American sociologist Carolyn Ellis. Engelmann emphasizes the linguistic attempt to classify this subjective experience in our body of knowledge with elements of pop music and spheric, electronic sounds.
Priority Hunter, Forensic Files and Mental Vandal
How often must a certain behavior pattern be repeated until it generates an autarkic mood, how often must an acoustic sequence or pattern run in a loop until it generates an awareness of its own?
Shine on, you pretty pyramid
Shine on, you pretty pyramid beinhaltet eine nicht chronologische Sammlung von 120 pyramidenförmigen Architektur Fotografien vom 18 Jhd. bis zur Gegenwart.
I am sitting in a machine;
I am sitting in a machine; is a voice-driven virtual assistant, which records a short narration of its own speaking voice, and runs this recording through an MP3 encoder over and over again.
Studies of an Alien Skin
As the boundaries of human research approach penetration of the quantum veil, the surfaces of biological machinery begin to reveal mysterious shapes and motions.
Touch the Sun
My mistress‘ eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips‘ red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
Kontakt Sappho
12‘ inch Dubplate with vocals by Sonja Cvitkovic, Birgit Megerle, Michaela Meise. Composed by Sonja Cvitkovic and Marine Drouan
Introducing myself to the Canada Geese
10‘ inch Dubplate, performed and recorded by Mike Bourscheid
Flipping the Coin publishes the ongoing series Seenotizen with essays by Cyrill Lachauer.
Flipping the Coin presents the first monograph about Nik Nowak.
Niederschlag presents two works by Alexander Hick. The artist conceives the pictures to be condensates of observed processes.
The Sound of the Fairytale Recordings
Saâdane Afif´s The Sound of the Fairytale Recordings is, as the title implies, a recording of the sound from the performance series The Fairytale Recordings.
The Rain Dancer / Esel
Die Platte von Moritz Stumm basiert auf der intensiven künstlerischen Zusammenarbeit mit Cyrill Lachauer für die filmischen Arbeiten "Esel" und "The Rain Dancer". Die 12“ Dubplate erscheint in einem von Tran Duc Trung individuell genähten Cover in einer Edition von 30 Stück.
In the summer of 2021, as part of the multi-piece audio project ‘Sonic City’, Ed Davenport and Mischa Leinkauf explored an underground level of urban space for their auditory extension of the ordering system we call ‘City’. In Berlin‘s Humboldthain park, not far from the massive over-and-underground bunker, they developed a remote-controlled audio system that, hidden in the depths of a manhole, opened up a technoid space of possibility and imagination for random passers-by.
Home Street home
Die Platte „HOME STREET HOME“ von Marja Marlene Lechner wird unterstützt von der künstlerischen Zusammenarbeit mit Joram Schön. MML und J.S. tauschen sich seit Jahren über ihre Arbeiten aus und verstehen und vertrauen sich künstlerisch ohne viele Worte. Schon einmal (2016) fertigte J.S. die Cover für das Album „Home“ von MML an und diesmal bei dem Label Flipping the Coin bekommt jede Plattenhülle ihre eigene Originalzeichnung, die alle zusammen gelegt 32 Puzzleteile eines großen Bildes sind. Außerdem finden sich auf einigen Covern analoge Fotos, die die beiden KünstlerInnen passend zur Materie herstellten.