Alexander Hick
Niederschlag presents two works by Alexander Hick. The photo book “Cazador Furtivo”, the results of his journeys from 2009 to 2011 from Berlin over Barcelona to Tarifa, Spain´s closest harbor to Africa, are synthesized by the artist under the title „Cazador Furtivo“. His spatial perspective of landscapes. He searches for and finds images, also finds those, he was not looking for. The analogue, color and monochrome photos refer to this attitude. There is the moment of delay, a considered photo shoot, a cutout of the environment is targeted and visually captured. Poetic landscapes, sublime mountains, destroyed areas, wasted nature, wanderers and workers, refugees and protesters are his prey. The closeness to the photographed objects can be sensed.
The second work, titled “Und sie spielen doch”, is a montage of film stripes of crucial situations on the mountain or in the cold. The cold, survival and actions in those extreme latitudes create these pictures. Scanned film footage of a three day mountain tour in winter is being used as well as film footage of military actions in the Arctic Sea from the archive of the German military.
Alexander Hick conceives the pictures to be condensates of observed processes. The Book title refers to this conception.
Excerpt, Kathinka Schreiber, 2012